Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Movie "Who Is in Charge Anyway?" (2010)

About the Movie (from the back cover) - God even cares about a little flea. When Freddie hears Hailey and Bailey ask their mother what's special about fleas, he thinks it's time to have a talk with God. Freddie is reminded that Hermie and Flo and Buzby and Webster and even Antonio all had to learn important lessons before their special talents were put to use. Freddie learns that God didn't make anybody by accident, and that he's not finished with us yet. Contains newly animated flashbacks of key garden characters in their youth...along with pivotal scenes from classic episodes. Lesson is based on Psalm 90:16 "Show your servants the wonderful things you do; show your greatness to their children".

My review: This is a Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends production.The main character is Freddie the flea, who sees all the good qualities and abilities in all of the other insects and still cannot figure out about his own qualities. There are many messages that are transmitted through this animated video. First is that God has a purpose for everything he makes. There is no flaws in creation. God acts on his creatures transforming them and making them reach all their full potential. We need to have faith in God in times of trouble. Freddie the flea wants to know his purpose in life and he asks God. Through the examples of Antonio, Webster, Hermie, Busby, Flo, Skeeter and Stanley, Freddie finally learns his potential and importance on God's plans. I liked very much the production and the message that is passed. It is perfect for children to watch multiple times, as usually they do. The length of the movie (the main feature) is a little to the short size, only about 30 to 35 minutes. In one hand, it is good to keep the attention of the young audience during the full time, but in the other hand, leave us with the desire of watching more about those lovely characters. I loved this movie.

It was jointly produced by Glue Works Entertainment and Tommy Nelson, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, that were kind enough to send me a copy for reviewing.

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