The story begins during the reign of King Tirian, last King of Narnia. After a long period of peace and prosperity, a centaur named Roonwit warns Tirian that strange things are happening to Narnia. An ape named shift convinced a simple donkey called Puzzle to dress in a lion’s skin and pretend to be Aslan. The Narnians are convinced that Aslan returned, and Shift uses Puzzle as his pawn to order the Narnians to work for the Calormenes and cut down Talking Trees for lumber. The money goes into “Aslan’s treasury”, held by Shift. King Tirian and his friend unicorn Jewel realize the lie when they hear Shift telling that Aslan and Tash, Calormene’s god, are one and the same. When Tirian accuses the ape of lying, he is overpowered by the Calormenes and they bind him to a tree. He calls on Aslan for help and has a vision of Digory Kirke, Polly Plummer, Peter, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole, although he does not know who they are. In the other hand they also see King Tirian, but they cannot speak to him. Fell minutes later (by Narnia time), Jill and Eustace arrive in Narnia. They release the King and rescue Jewel and Puzzle. Some dwarfs are also rescue, but they refuse to help. Only one dwarf, Poggin, remains faithful to Tirian, Aslan and Narnia. They prepare to fight the Calormenes. As the battle progresses, all the animals are killed and Eustace, Jill and Poggin are thrown into the stable where the false Aslan was kept. Tirian, earlier on, had thrown Shift into the stable and Tash, who was haunting the stable, swallowed the ape whole. Tirian drags Rishda Tarkaan, the leader of the Calormenes, into the stable. Tash appears and snatches him up under an arm. Peter, Edmund, Eustace, Lucy, Jill, Polly and Digory appear before them. Susan stopped believing in Narnia, so she does not appear in Narnia. Peter orders Tash to leave. Aslan appears and they watch at the stable door as all of the people and animals, including those who had previously died, gather outside the barn and are judged by Aslan. Those who have been loyal to Aslan or the morality upheld by Narnians join Aslan in Aslan’s Country. Those who deserted him become ordinary animals and vanish. As the children watch, all vegetation is eaten by dragons, salamanders and giant lizards and Father Time calls the stars down from the skies into the sea, which rises to cover Narnia. Aslan leads them to his country, which is revealed to be the “real” Narnia. There they meet the primary characters from earlier novels and the series ends with the revelation that “ for them, it was only the beginning of the true story, which goes on forever, and in which every chapter is better than the one before.”
The main characters in this book are Aslan, Eustace Scrubb, Jill Pole, Prince Tirian, ape Shift, donkey Puzzle, Peter, Edmund and Lucy Pensieve, dwarf Poggin, centaur Roonwit, Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer..
This is absolutely a must-read book. It makes you want to read all the books from this series “Chronicles of Narnia”.
Pages: 224
My Rate: 5 Stars
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